
Strict Stereo Rectification

To simulate human binocular vision and capture 3D pictures, a stereo camera is used. If you only have one camera, then PixRectify is your solution.

A stereo camera is a type of camera with two or more lenses and an image sensor for each lens. It enables the camera to simulate human binocular vision and capture 3D pictures. The process is known as stereo photography.

Taking two pictures while moving one camera from side to side will not result in a strict stereo picture. To meet the correct epipolar condition using one camera, as it would be taken by a stereo camera, is nearly impossible. The reason behind this is that the lenses used cannot have their optical axes kept in a parallel position.

Here is an example of two photos that appear to be parallel on the left and right.

When we zoom in and enlarge it, we notice there is vertical disparity (misalignment in the vertical direction). It does not meet the requirements of a strict stereo photograph. In this condition, the image cannot be viewed stereoscopically and is not suitable for 3D viewing.

PixRectify corrects stereo disparity with just a few clicks. It does this automatically, with only minimal input from you.


Loading Images

Select "Select Stereo Images" from the "File" menu and select both the left and the right images. The images are then loaded and displayed on the screen.

Note: These sample images can be found in the sample folder under the directory where the software is installed. (C:\program Files\PixTOPO\pixRectify x64\sample).

Stereo Rectification

Choose "Stereo Rectification" from the "Rectify" menu. The software will then search for feature points and match them between the left and right images.

When the process of Stereo Rectification is completed, the result is a disparity-corrected image. The right image matches the left image.

Confirming Stereo Rectification

Once stereo rectification has been completed, select "Original Image" or "Corrected Image" from the "View" menu and you'll be able to toggle between the before & after images. A horizontal line, drawn over the left and right images, verifies that you have obtained a portrait-aligned stereo image without vertical parallax occurring.

These are the original left and right images before stereo rectification. The horizontal line shows that there is a vertical disparity parallax between the left and the right image.

By choosing “Corrected Image" and looking at the yellow line, it can be seen that the vertical disparity has been eliminated.

Saving the image file

You can save the fully rectified right image to a file using the "File" menu and then "Save Rectified Right Image."

Due to the rotation of the optical axis, there is now a black frame around the right edge of the corrected image.

An anaglyph image can be generated and saved from the corrected left and right images which is suitable for a simple stereoscopic view using the "File" menu and then "Save Anaglyph Image..

About pixRectify.....

pixRectify is free software that can be installed on any 64-bit Windows machine. The author will not be liable for the loss or damages you may face as a result of using this software.

Developer: pixTOPO

Contact: pixtopo@gmail.com


The following software and libraries are used:

The latest version and all source code of this software can be obtained from SOURCEFORGE: